Sunday 26 April 2015

About this blog

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single woman in possession of a sound mind must be in want of good food.

2015 brought many chances to my life. First of all the last of my children left home and I realised that, for the first time in nearly 30 years, I will live alone again. And second I moved away from London.
Both incidents are joined together. I am renting since my divorce and a single person does not need a big house anymore; a flat will do.
However renting in London is an expensive nightmare and, since I don’t earn a lot, I realised that I can have a tiny flat in London, but no money to cook as I want to. Let alone going out- I did not go out anyway for ages since I had no money- so what’s the point in living in an exciting city? So I looked afar. Job wise this was not a problem; my work is in demand everywhere. And then I got an offer: in a small town (compared to London) at the sea. And I knew that is it.
I was always drawn to the sea.
When I was 5 years old, I discovered a book full of sea/ boat photos in my parent`s book case. I could not read the text but the photos alone made me dream. And they still have a lure. I still own the book.

There is a line in the (largely forgotten) book by Kurban Said “Ali and Nino”: Maybe that is the one real division between men: wood men and desert men; which made me think and translate to what it symbolizes. And, as much as I am a town and not a country mouse, a huge town is like a wood, but it has not the openness a desert or sea represents. If I look around in London I see enclosure, like a forest or mountains; if I look now out of my window I see distance and wideness. And I am happy.
Plus, I had a pivotal moment on the morning of New Year`s Day. I was visiting a friend in the Netherlands who lives by the sea. I went for an early morning walk and was contemplating my future. I was a bit worried and anxious. It’s not easy to start again alone in your mid fifties. When I reached the sea and looked out into the grey sky and the lively waves, I KNEW it will be alright. It was not a wish; it was a moment full of clarity: “Everythings Gonna Be Alright”.
So the job offer was like a sign.
Now I live here, on my own. My flat, my sea view and my kitchen. And have to adapt to cook for one. This is actually quite tricky if you enjoy cooking. How to divide, if a recipe for 4, asks for one egg? Can I still have stews? What do I do with ¾ of an onion I don’t need?

So I will try to adapt my beloved recipes for one person. I am still learning and I will make mistakes/too much.
I don`t believe in blogs where everything is always right. Like you, I have some epic fails. Despite the fact that with decades of cooking they become less and less. But this is a new journey and mistakes will come fast and hard. I have to adapt that there are no longer young, hungry adults eating everything and polish the rest off after a night of drinking. And have to come to terms that I am an “elderly”female who no longer eats like a 30 year old builder. A so called small portion of chips from the local chippie is now too much for me.
This is a gentle blog, a gentle journey. Yes, I know how to make a high powered website with nifty apps and functions. I learned, long ago and maybe before you were even born, how to make a website with notepad and codes. And managed so far just fine. Website from scratch. And I did keep up. A bit like cooking. You need the basics and then evolve. But this will be no website with whistles and bells. It’s a diary, most of it will be written via MS word. Microsoft faults and all. Epic fails and success.

It is very important that you read the verdict first. There is no point in you following my instructions, and coming to the same conclusion as I do. I am on a journey. But it is my journey. Just drop me a note of what you have come up with it. Maybe our culinary paths cross.
Just a word of warning: If you are in search of cheap recipes, you might not find what you are looking for. May I direct you then to the amazing Jack Monroe? When money was really tight, she taught me many tricks.
I still won’t use expensive fancy ingredients, but fresh ingredients are expensive. And if you live away from London, you have to mail order some spices/sauces/ingredients. And postage is often not cheap.

As to the purple lines:
They are today`s shipping forecast for Dover.
If you are unfamiliar with this Radio 4 feature, read here .

I normally listen to it at 5.20am.
It is strangely alluring and reminds me every day that I am on an island with maritime history. Here is a youtube video which shows the areas.

And if you are a bit of a romantic (and have time) listen to the full shipping forecast how it is presented at midnight, the famous music and all.

Anyway, thanks for your interest and maybe you get inspired.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your journey! Well, one option is always to eat the same dish three or four times in a row.
